Imitate Christ

Aug 21, 2015| Type: Bible Study| Category: 1 Corinthians| Author: Admin
Imitate Christ

This excerpt is from our bible study on August 21st 2015: 1 Corinthians 11

And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ. – 1 Corinthians 11: 1

Key verse Paul refers to imitating him is on the subject of spiritual liberty covered in the previous chapter, 1 Corinthians 10:33 and supported by 1 Corinthians 10: 23, 24, 31, and 32. Additionally Christ is the best role model for our lives. All of us must find ways to imitate what Christ has done in His life and ministry: Forgive others, serve or help, be humble, obey or follow through with action, love others and relate to others in pain and trials. For believers the way up is way down.

Instructions for Public Worship: 1 Corinthians Ch. 11: 2 – 16

The passage addresses questions’ asked in the letter received from Chloe's household. It specifically asserts the functional order of the family (man and woman) and the need of everyone to understand its true purpose. The covering of head by women in worship is a tradition in the church signifying that a woman is under the spiritual authority of her husband. Order of spiritual authority instituted by God is: God the Father is head of Christ; Christ is head of the husband, husband is head of the wife. It is this order that is central for a family to function well and brings honor to His name. Just as in the Godhead, the Father and Son are equal but perform different roles, both men and women are created equal and there is no difference in terms of their stature, value or respect before God.

God wants us to realize there are different roles between man and woman. One specific difference is related to how we appear at places of public worship. Covering of woman's head, which is her glory, reflects show of respect and reverence to God in prayer.

Application - follow this tradition in a setting where the meaning is understood and observed.

Order at the Lord's Supper – 1 Corinthians Ch. 11: 17 – 33

There seemed to a significant problem of discord, division at the church of Corinth. Paul was direct in addressing the issues of looking down on people of low standing or income. There was no sign of love extended between brethren. They were not even sharing the meal at Lord's Supper - this was a serious issue. So Paul explains the real meaning and purpose for observing the Lord ’s Table in verses 23 - 26; And gives stern warnings and consequences when we partake communion in an unworthy manner verses 27 - 31.

The context describes ‘an unworthy manner’ as the divisive attitude that desecrates the meaning of the Lord’s Supper. It does not refer to a person’s examining his or her daily walk with Jesus so as to determine worthiness to take part in communion. This is not a magic potion to heal or make us feel good. This is a way to identify with our Lord’s suffering and acknowledge what He has done for us.

Only those that understand the magnitude of Christ’s suffering; and experience the redeeming work of Christ’s death and resurrection in their personal life are eligible to take part in the Holy Communion.

ApplicationCome to the Lord’s Table with humility, confession, gratefulness and worship remembering that our Lord Jesus paid for our sins with His broken body and blood.

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